Explore Audit Peak’s resources centered around SOC 1 (Service Organization Controls 1), a key framework for assessing internal controls over financial reporting of a service organization. A SOC 1 audit is conducted under the SSAE 18 (Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements No. 18), which is a standard developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). Our content provides valuable insights for service organizations and auditors, focusing on understanding SOC 1 compliance, updates, and best practices. Our offering includes insights to manage risks, ensure accuracy in financial reports, and build customer confidence. Our services include SOC 1 Gap Assessments/SOC 1 Readiness Assessments, SOC 1 Type 1 reports, and SOC 1 Type 2 reports. Our SOC 1 audits provide the organization’s clients, and their auditors, with a level of assurance about the controls in place that could impact the client’s financial statements.
Understanding and Defining SOC 1 Control Objectives
As we navigate the labyrinth of financial controls and audits, understanding specific terminologies and processes can often prove challenging.